Sweet potatoes
White potato
Baked potato
Brown/wholemeal bread
Full fat milk
Nut butters
Dark chocolate
Egg yolks
Olive/coconut oil
Green beans
Protein shakes
Protein bars
Rice cakes/snack a jacks
Some cereals
Beef jerky
Nut butters
Oat cakes
The term “eating clean” can sometimes be misinterpreted. The implication is that if you are not eating clean then what you eat otherwise is dirty or unhealthy; this simply isn’t true.
We encourage you to look at food with good intentions; try and increase the amount of whole and real foods such as vegetables, fruits, grains and animal & plant-based protein; whilst looking to reduce less refined and processed foods high in hydrogenated fats, salt, sugar and artificial sweeteners.
Eating lean animal source foods can provide a variety of micronutrients that are difficult to obtain in adequate quantities from plant source foods alone. These include protein, B vitamins, iron, zinc and magnesium. Animal sources of protein are rich in leucine; the amino acid that independently stimulates muscle protein synthesis. Oily fish such as salmon and mackerel are rich in omega-3 fatty acids which have undeniable health benefits.
Eating plant based does not necessarily mean you are vegan or vegetarian. Food sources such as vegetables, grains, nuts, seeds, legumes and oils are packed with healthy vitamins, minerals and anti-oxidants. A plant based diet has been shown to reduce the risk of heart disease, stroke and diabetes.
Sometimes it is difficult to get all the nutrients your body needs; especially those of you who have a busy work/life schedule. Everyone can benefit with supplements especially alongside an already good diet.
Drinking plenty of natural spring water or filtered water is vital. Glycogen; found in our muscles, is a molecule made up of one part carbohydrate to four parts water. So to get your muscles in shape you need to stay hydrated. Look to consume 2 – 3 litres per day.
Don’t underestimate the power of sleep. It is our bodies natural recharge system. This is the time when we recover, re-build and re-grow. Poor sleep and increased stress levels can lead to increased levels of cortisol; a catabolic hormone linked directly to fat storage. You should be aiming to get at least 6-8 hours of undisturbed sleep every night.
Whey protein has been one of the most popular supplements around for years. You’ll always see someone in the gym drinking a protein shake from their shaker bottle, but what is it exactly?
Whey is a by-product of cheese and yoghurt production. Once processed, whey is usually sold as a powder, and can also be bought as pre-made drinks and bars.
Whey protein comes in two forms; concentrate and isolate. Whey concentrate is less filtered than whey isolate, and therefore isolate whey is generally better quality. If you can, always try and use whey isolate.
Whey protein has a very high protein content, so it can help you reach your recommended protein intake levels, hence why it’s so popular in the fitness and wellbeing industry. It is a source of all nine essential amino acids, which your body cannot produce naturally. If you can hit your daily protein target with whole foods such as meat and fish, you may not need to supplement your diet with whey protein powder. It should ‘supplement’ your diet and help you reach your macronutrient goals.
We recommend you have no more than 2 servings of whey protein per day, and that you try some before buying as sometimes it can cause stomach upsets. It can be used at anytime.
Creatine is one of the most researched supplements in the fitness industry for improving
performance and strength. It is found naturally in muscle cells and helps to produce energy,
especially during high intensity exercise and heavy lifting where there is a demand for high energy output. It can be found in some foods and is most prevalent in meat and fish.
We would recommend creatine to any individual who is aiming to increase strength or physical
performance; especially males. It could also be a good idea to take creatine when in a fat loss phase to help retain lean muscle mass.
Take one dose of 5g/5000mg per day in tablet or powder form. You do not need to ‘load’ creatine before using it. You can take it anytime of the day, ideally with food and plenty of water, and make sure you’re consistent with its use.
Don’t think of this as some magic powder that will instantly make you pack on loads of muscle, you will need to training effectively and going through a proper programme first.
Glutamine is an non-essential amino acid. This means it is a building block for the human body. It is also a vital part of your immune system and helps improve gut health. Glutamine is produced naturally by your body, but will deplete during intense exercise. . It also helps keep a high nitrogen balance in your body which prevents muscle breakdown, therefore helping you maintaining more muscle mass.
Glutamine also helps with your recovery and dealing with sore muscles. It can decrease muscle
soreness through muscle repair and glycogen repletion. This paired with a quality whey protein
would be great if you’re looking for something to help with your recovery!
You should start off by taking 10g per day. You may go up to 30g depending if you have any digestive issues. Glutamine is most commonly mixed into a shake to drink. To really cash in on its benefits, take it after your workout. Some people will also take it in the morning and before bed.
L-carnitine is another amino acid and is naturally produced in our body, and is also most commonly found in meat and dairy products. L-carnitine can help drive fatty acids into the mitochondria; the powerhouse of the cell. This might leave people to believe that it applies to fat burning and weight loss. Unfortunately there is no scientific evidence to support this. It may also help with muscle fatigue and recovery.
Doses of L-carnitine should start at 1000mg per day, and can be worked up to 4000mg.
5-HTP is another amino acid that our body produces. It is used in the process to produce serotonin, our body’s ‘feel good’ chemical. Low serotonin levels can lead to a low mod, sleep problems and even weight gain. Therefore, supplementing your diet with 5-HTP can help with recovery, mood and better quality sleep.
All our trainers here at No1 use 5-HTP and believe in its benefits. We would recommend you start
with 100mg in the morning, and 100mg before bed.
This is one of the most popular supplements used for joint care. It is a amino sugar that is a
component of the cartilage in your body and connective tissues. Long term studies have shown it to help delay the progression of joint arthritis and osteoarthritis, and to decrease joint pain.
We think this is a great supplement, and really should be used by all gym goers. Start with 2000mg per day.
Omega 3 is an essential fatty acid and is important for our body to function. You’ll find this in oily fish such as salmon and mackerel. If you don’t have these type of foods often, we would definitely
recommend you supplement your diet with omega 3 fish oils.
Omega 3 can improve muscle strength and improve the function of the heart and lungs. They can
also help with joint problems, fight inflammation and heart disease.
Again, since most people won’t eat oily fish twice per week, we would certainly recommend you
supplement your diet with some quality omega 3 fish oils.
Vitamin C is found in many fruits and vegetables, therefore, if we have a well balanced diet it may
not be necessary to supplement. Its water soluble and found in foods such as strawberries, oranges,peppers, broccoli and spinach.
It can help keep your skin healthy, protect your cells and even help treat mild illnesses. It’s one of
the most effective antioxidants in the body. How many times have you put off training or coming to the gym because you haven’t been well?
Vitamin C is commonly supplemented with a water soluble tablet, but we would always recommend you get it in tablet or powder form which is generally better quality.
Greens powders are typically powdered versions of various fruits and vegetables, often including
extra vitamins and minerals. The majority of people do not eat enough fruit and vegetables,
therefore supplementing with a greens powder is a generally good idea. However, try not to rely on
greens powders as a means of getting your fruit and vegetable fix. The real deal is always better to
have when possible.
They are easy to take, and it’s something our trainers will use when pushed for time. If you’ve had a hectic day and realise you have had no quality fruits or vegetables, they are ideal to mix and drink before bed to get those vitamins and minerals in!
Pre made protein shakes and bars can be bought everywhere you go these days. They’re great to
help curb cravings and have something sweet, as well as getting a fix of protein. Just like everything else, we’d recommend you have them in moderation. Always try stick to whole food sources where you can.
They vary in quality depending on the brand and you’ll often find either the fat or carbohydrate
content will be high as well as the protein, so watch out for your choice.
Our trainers at No1 Gym would definitely recommend Grenade Protein Bars, and we wouldn’t turn
down any protein bars in exchange for less burpees!
Who else loves a coffee or a energy drink?
Caffeine is a natural stimulant and is most commonly found in tea and coffee. Its effects help you stay alert and prevent the onset of tiredness and fatigue. You should not become dependent on caffeine, and instead look at managing all the other variables leading to tiredness and fatigue, such as sleep quality, proper recovery and a well balanced diet. When utilised properly, caffeine can improve physical and mental performance.
Be careful to not fall into a cycle of caffeine consumption because you’re feeling tired. Watch out forextra calories in things like coffees and energy drinks.
Caffeine has a half life of around 6 hours. That means if you have a 200mg serving of caffeine at
5pm, 100mg will still be circulating your body at 11pm, which would therefore heavily affect your quality of sleep. Try not to have any past 2pm, and if possible have it before training.
All trainers at No1 will use caffeine, mainly 30 minutes before a workout. Keep it well away from
your bedtime and don’t become dependent. It can be a great tool when used properly.